Congratulations! Pregnancy is such a special time. It can also be a time of anxiety and a few aches and pains. Be sure to take good care of yourself. In fact, you may want to consider prenatal massage. This type of massage therapy in Richardson is similar to regular massage, but is designed especially for … Continue reading “Relax with Prenatal Massage Therapy in Richardson”
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recently reported on a study showing that obstructive sleep apnea is connected to a significantly increased risk of automobile accidents. But when sleep apnea is treated properly, the risk is reduced. If you’ve recently been involved in an auto accident in Richardson and you seem to be tired during … Continue reading “Did Sleep Apnea Cause Your Auto Accident in Richardson?”
Your car has many safety features. Some are built-in, some are automatic and one works only if you use it—the seat belt. There have been dozens of studies conducted proving that seat belts save lives. So if you want to avoid injuries—and possibly even death—in case you’re in an auto accident in Richardson, then you … Continue reading “Wear Your Seat Belt, Avoid Injuries in an Auto Accident in Richardson”
On September 1, 1998, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 went into effect. Since then, all cars and light trucks sold in the United States are required to have airbags on both sides of the front seat. According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), airbags have saved more than 28,000 lives in this country alone. … Continue reading “Be Safe: Air Bags and Auto Accident Treatment in Richardson”
If you had to guess the most dangerous time of year to drive, what would you say? Maybe it’s Christmas time when everyone is rushing around and the nights are longer. The correct answer according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is summer. More specifically, August is the most dangerous month. As we … Continue reading “Richardson Chiropractor Wants You to Drive Safely This Summer”
Unfortunately, equal rights do not apply to back pain, because the fact of the matter is women have it more than men. Why? Because women tend to be the caregivers, which means they are the ones schlepping the kids, the laundry and the groceries. That’s all in addition to having a full-time job that can … Continue reading “For Women, Back Pain Treatment in Richardson is Essential”
If you’ve recently had an injury or are uncomfortable due to a repetitive motion on the job, then pain management in Richardson from your chiropractor may be the solution. A pain management doctor specializes in evaluating, diagnosing and treating various types of pain, including acute and chronic pain. Whether your pain is the result of … Continue reading “Get Pain Management in Richardson”
What a pain in the neck. No, seriously—we’re talking about that pain in your neck. Sometimes that pain can be due to age-related wear and tear or an accident. These causes warrant seeing your chiropractor for neck pain treatment in 75080. However, there are other factors that could be contributing to your neck pain including … Continue reading “See Dr. Z for Neck Pain Treatment in 75080”
Stand up straight! Didn’t everyone’s mother tell them that when they were a kid? Well, turns out mom was right. Good posture and good health are connected. Some people, however, simply cannot stand up straight because their spine is curved. In some cases, the condition is called scoliosis. Read on to learn more about scoliosis, … Continue reading “Wellness Doctor in Richardson Discusses Scoliosis”
How can sleeping affect your neck and back pain? In so many ways. Not only do you need to get enough sleep, but you also need to be aware that your sleeping position can help or worsen your pain. That’s why Dr. Chukhman offers the following tips as part of your pain management in Richardson.
Does your back hurt? If so, then you have lots of company. Millions of Americans experience acute or chronic back pain. However, this is not necessarily the kind of company you want to keep. Dr. Zinovy Chukhman is a chiropractor in Richardson who offers chiropractic treatment to relieve aches and pains. However, there are also … Continue reading “Your Chiropractor in Richardson Knows How To Relieve Back Pain”