Dietary Support and Chiropractic Care: The Perfect Pairing

dietitian pointing to a paper with dietary guidance

Some things just go well together: flowers and romance, certain wines and cheeses, peanut butter and chocolate, etc. They are different from each other, but they work together to make the experience better. When it comes to treating your body, an underrated, but powerful pairing is a dietitian and a chiropractor. These two professionals do different things for you, but ultimately, treatment with both ends with a healthier, happier you.

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Holistic Chiropractic Care: It Makes All the Difference!

woman treating a patient with holistic chiropractic care

Following a fender bender, you start to experience severe neck pain. Perhaps it makes turning your head difficult, but it certainly hinders your ability to work and live life to the fullest. You need help, but before you blindly select a random doctor, you have a choice in front of you.

Should you work with a health provider who will give you a band-aid fix, or should you visit a chiropractor with a more holistic approach to health? What’s the difference, and what kind of effect can this have on your care? Keep reading to find out!

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Holistic Chiropractor: What It Is and Why You Need One

woman getting her head adjusted with a holistic chiropractor

With your chronic neck pain, you have been seeing a chiropractor on a semi-regular basis. You get a quick adjustment and leave feeling a little better, but it always comes back. Have you considered working with a chiropractor with a holistic approach?

What exactly does it mean to be a holistic chiropractor? Below you’ll find a breakdown of what these terms mean and what your care could be.

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4 Ways Nutrition Can Affect Chiropractic Care

woman eating yogurt for calcium

When you have a stomachache or digestive distress, the first thing you question is what you ate. If you feel sluggish, you can look at your diet to see if you’ve eaten a lot of junk food. But did you know that other systems in your body, namely the musculoskeletal system, also can be impacted by the foods you choose to eat? If you have back, joint, or other forms of pain, you and your chiropractor may need to consider altering your intake. Here’s how your daily nutrition can affect your chiropractic care.

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Nutrition and Chiropractic Care: How They’re Connected

woman eating fruit in the kitchen

When you experience lower back pain, you wonder what could have caused it. Did you pick up something heavy with improper posture? Did you sit on your wallet or phone at work? But there’s another question you may not think to ask: do you get enough Vitamin D in your diet?

Although back pain can originate from many sources, your nutritional choices can play a role. In this post, you’ll learn about the connection between nutrition and chiropractic care, what foods can lead to inflammation, and what your chiropractor can do to help you live a healthier, more pain-free life.

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Not Neck Pain: 4 Other Signs to See a Chiropractor

professional man working at a desk

When it is appropriate to go to the chiropractor? Your first answer may be if you’re dealing with back or neck pain, but did you know that discomfort isn’t the only sign to look out for? In fact, there are plenty of situations that merit a visit to the chiropractor that may not start with neck pain. Keep reading to learn when you should give this professional a call.

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4 Benefits of Getting Chiropractic Care

happy patient meeting a smiling chiropractor

Toward the end of a long day at work, you feel that familiar ache in your back, and you realize that you can’t carry on this way. When you talk to a friend about your pain, they suggest you see a chiropractor. You’ve tried other ways to get relief without success, so perhaps you’re a little skeptical to give it a try. But chiropractic care offers benefits that other solutions don’t. Keep reading to learn about just four of them!

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Neck Pain? Going to a Chiropractor Is a No-Brainer!

person with neck pain needing to see a chiropractor

It’s just a little neck pain. Maybe you slept funny last night, and you woke up unable to turn your head very far to one side. It’s not a big deal, right? You can “be tough” and work it out on your own, can’t you?

Instead of trying to overcome this pain by yourself, you should meet with a chiropractor to deal with your neck pain head on. When you understand more about neck pain and how this professional can help, it’s a no-brainer! So continue reading to learn why chiropractic care is essential to recover from this symptom.

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4 Tips That Will Protect You from Text Neck

business woman with text neck holding a phone

These days, technology has become pervasive in almost every facet of life and has become basically a necessity. It’s impractical to avoid technology completely. However, looking down at screens for long periods of time comes at a cost. You may find, like many people today, that you struggle with neck, shoulder, and upper back pain, which has been labeled as “text neck.”

In this article, you’ll learn about four ways you can stop text neck from making your life miserable and get the relief you need.

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Hold Your Head High: Why and How to Maintain Good Head Posture

diagram of a man illustrating bad and good head posture

You hear your phone chime and look down to read your texts. While you’re on it, you go to your banking app to check your account balance, scroll through Instagram, and watch a couple of TikTok videos. Getting back to work, you hop onto a Zoom call with a client and then spend hours working on projects on a deadline. When you get home, you stream your favorite show to unwind. Is it any wonder that at the end of the day, your neck and shoulders ache?

Technology is truly amazing, but with it comes head posture issues, causing neck, shoulder, and upper back pain. In this post, you’ll learn why your head posture is important and how to properly address problems with it.

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5 Useful Neck Stretches to Melt Away Your Neck Pain

a patient suffering from neck pain

Chronic neck pain can be pretty irritating and debilitating, and it’s a pretty common problem for many people. In fact, it’s estimated that one in three people experience neck pain at least once a year, with women tending to suffer from it more often than men. However, no one has to needlessly endure this discomfort, as there are several things you can do at home to alleviate your pain while you wait to seek professional treatment. Here are a few stretches to help you out.

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