Spinal Decompression Therapy is the stretching of the spine to relieve back pain or leg pain. It can help relieve pain from bulging, degenerating, or herniated discs. The spinal decompression devices use a basic principle of spinal traction. It is usually done using a traction table or similar motorized device. This procedure is called nonsurgicaldecompression therapy and is usually carried out by chiropractors and osteopaths, and other appropriately trained health professionals
Other ailments that this therapy is used for include degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves, sciatica, and arm pain or leg pain. Such painis often caused by the spine putting pressure on the discs. Common issues like poorposture, bad body mechanics, repetitive stress and acute injury often cause the vertebrae to compress discs or to slip out of alignment. These cause pinched nerves and brittleness of the disc. The problem is made worse when the compressed disc restricts the flow of nutrients to itself, whichinhibits its own healing process.
Traditional treatments include surgery or chiropractic adjustment. Non-surgical procedures by chiropractors are an alterative to surgery and are FDA approved. This treatment is non-invasive and provides gentle decompression in increments. The patient is strapped to a decompression table. As the table moves, it applies a distraction force to the targeted area of the spine (the compressed disc). A computer controls the force, and applies it with gaps, relaxing and stressing the spine. He procedure is meant to pull the spine apart making it longer and creating a vacuum between the vertebrae. This pulls the discs back into shape. This is a gentle stretching of the spine and is carried out over time and with gaps.
The risk is from spinal decompression is low. The treatment usually consists of 15 to 30 treatments, lasting 30 to 45 minutes each, over a four to six-week period. Your treatment may include other therapies that can help such as electric stimulation, ultrasound and cold or heat therapy during or after the procedure.
With such a treatment, chiropractors usually recommend drinking a lot of water, taking some nutritional supplements as well as performing some exercises at home. The treatment is not recommended to some patients. This includes pregnant women and patients with broken vertebrae, spinal fusion, artificial discs or other implants in the spine, and people with failed back surgery.
The treatment has no major negative symptoms, as it is non-invasive. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence of its effectiveness and patients have generally found the treatment to be beneficial.