Some things just go well together: flowers and romance, certain wines and cheeses, peanut butter and chocolate, etc. They are different from each other, but they work together to make the experience better. When it comes to treating your body, an underrated, but powerful pairing is a dietitian and a chiropractor. These two professionals do different things for you, but ultimately, treatment with both ends with a healthier, happier you.
Holistic Approach to Your Health
Holistic treatment differs from standard medicine in that it doesn’t just address the symptoms. Holistic providers look into potential causes and addresses issues that could be coming from other systems in the body. By addressing the underlying problem, a holistic approach often comes with a more effective and rewarding result.
In order to have a holistic approach to your care, your chiropractor must consider many factors that go into your overall health, including diet. Working with both a chiropractor and a dietitian allows you to benefit from two experts and optimize your well-being.
Pain-Free Activity and Diet
Although achieving wellness involves more than just being active and eating nutritious foods, these two habits play a critical role and can have a massive impact on your body and quality of life in general. But each one can be difficult to do for various reasons.
When you experience joint pain or have an injury, exercising or even moving around at all can be nearly impossible. A chiropractor can help your body resume healthy alignment, taking pressure off nerves and can help you heal more efficiently. After treatment, you can maintain normal activities like standing, walking, and exercise.
In some ways, your body is like a car. You can’t put inferior or bad fuel in and expect it to run smoothly. If you aren’t making smart choices in your diet, you can’t expect your body to function properly. The foods you eat can hinder your energy, cause inflammation, increase pain, and make activity more challenging—or they can give you strength and keep your bones and soft tissues healthy. A dietitian can look at your needs and guide you to food choices that result in better well-being.
Working with a chiropractor and a dietitian may seem like a strange combination at first glance, but it actually makes all the sense in the world! These two professionals can help you achieve your health goals, relieve pain, and feel your best.
About the Practice
At AlignRight Chiropractic, married couple Dr. Zinovy Chukhman and Janel Kobza-Chukhman are proud to provide both chiropractic care and dietary guidance in one convenient location. Janel is a registered dietitian with years of experience. Dr. Z, as he prefers to be called, has completed all four levels of certification with the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, which means he is proficient in many techniques and treatment protocols. If you would like to take advantage their expertise, contact us or call 972-907-2800 to make an appointment today!